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Thread: CMT-340s on their side?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default CMT-340s on their side?

    I have two CM$-340 speakers (not SE) that I've used happily for years. We have moving to a new house. Unfortunately, in their new location, they will need to sit on a shelf and where there is not enough height for them to stand upright.

    Three questions I was hoping someone could help me with:

    1. Is it possible to turn them on their side, lay them on the shelf and continue using them? My setup would then have three 340s. For the middle I would buy a 340SE main and use my existing 340s on the left and right.

    2. When they sit on the shelf, there would only be around 3-4 in inches between the back of the speaker and the back wall. Is this enough to give good sound?

    3. Given that my 340s will be on their side, can one buy screens for the 340SE Center speaker to put on my 340s so the Ascend logo won't be lying on it's side?

    Appreciate the help! Hoping I don't need to retire my current speakers!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: CMT-340s on their side?

    Hi Greg,

    The the original 340s had a tweeter that needed to be rotated when placed on their side. Other than that, they will work fine!

    Give Ascend a call, I am sure the will tell you how to do it, as well as answer your other questions. I think everything will work out fine.

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