Damn it man.. Im on a spending spree

When i do finish the office, the speakers will get a nice home.. Stands. Probably a few months out. My thinking was that at that time, they will have much more room to "breathe" and the additional power would be great. I did hook them up today at the parasound dealer to the separates, and they filled a rather large showroom with ease. Feed my addiction and tell me it would be wise to spend it now

On a side note, he was trying/suggesting that i look at the Sonus Faber Olymica1.. I obliged. I listened, then we hooked up the $6000 less expensive speakers (Sierras) and he wasn't sure how to justify the spend. It changed the dialog from sound quality to.. these are "made in italy", look at the lines, contours, leather and materials and such. Now, i can and do appreciate the details in the package, but not at the price premium we were talking in this case...and, to my ears today, a less engaging sound. As i had suspected, and mentioned in my starting post, the higher (brightness) i was struggling with, was such a difference in a more traditional listening setup. While i was listening to the Sierras he actual went and googled Ascend. Great experiance for me..

@ Dave,

if you see this. I would not be surprised if this dealer didn't contact you asking how to bring you in house..

