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Thread: Dipoles for surrounds

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I have not....

    But I know Quinn originally had Mini Monitors, and got the CBM-170's for another set-up. The CBM-170's quickly replaced the Mini Monitors. I do not have much experience with B&W's....just what I have read on some boards.

    I listened the Paradigm Studio 20 v.2 a lot before I got my CBM-170's.....The 170's were so much cheaper and sounded better.

    I am not a big fan of mixing. Maybe Quinn will chime in.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    The 170s were bought for a secondary system on a lark with some X-mas cash. I heard things like breathes taken, brushes on drums, the timpani, and other details that I never heard with the Mini-Monitors. Also the clarity and soundstage improvement were immediately noticeable. Voices also sounded much more natural with the 170s.

    Needless to say the Mini-Monitors went and Studio 20s were no longer my dream speaker. I still consider Paradigm a better value than many of the speakers on the market but there are some better values out there if you are willing to search them out. I'm still running Paradigm Atoms(in white)for rear surrounds as a WAF concession. I don't have a problem with the mix but my availible location for the rears is crap-tacular anyway. If I go to a music surround format(SACD,DVD-A) the mixed speakers most likely will be an issue then.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    gr1m- I listened to the minimonitors when I was demoing speakers, though, I never had them at home for a listening session. I found them to be decent all around monitors, slightly colored at the midbass (as all the lower end paradigms seemed to be). That coloration may make them sound more appealing to some folks when used without a bass. I found I liked the 'canadian sound', eg; paradigm, energy, athena. All things considered I would have been happy with them. That said, I found the 170's to be better speakers with advantages in pretty much every range, particularly when matched with a sub.

    As for mix and matching, I don't remember that much of a difference between the 170's and minimonitors, though I believe the mini's had a metal dome. The ascends have a soft dome and would expect the timbre characteristics to vary across the spectrum. My advice is that if you are set on the minis or already own them, get matching paradigm surrounds and center. There's nothing wrong with that set up and you wont have the real or imagined differences bugging you on a mix and match.

    If you are still shopping, order a pair of the 170's and listen to them at your home. If you don't like them, you're out the $16 shipping or whatever they charge. If you're like the rest of us here, it's well worth the cost compared to the amount of time you will spend perusing internet articles, trying to get a demo from a dealer set up to approxiamte realistic conditions, etc... Nothing compares to an inhome audition of speakers to see what actually sounds the best on your equipment and in your room (that and being able to fiddle with stuff without a salesperson hovering).


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I agree with Michael if you already have the Mini-Monitors I'd stick with Paradigm for the surrounds.

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