Quote Originally Posted by RythmikAudio View Post
It is not clear from the manual if the SUB out from the soundbar is already filtered at 80hz. If it is filtered at 80hz, then the LPF setting should be 12db/oct and then set the crossover knob to max. However, if the SUB out is not filtered, then you need to set the knob to around 80hz or slightly lower and LPF switch to 24db/oct.
Thank you very much for your reply, RythmikAudio!

I just phoned the soundbar manufacturer's TechSupport, and asked if it's SUB out is filtered above 80Hz.

They weren't sure precisely what I meant but explained that all that gets sent to the sub is what's below 80Hz. Which I'm thinking means a Yes to the question. (In which case it sounds like I've already got the F8's Crossover and LPF settings as you recommend.)

As for the soundbar being too weak, you need to set the volume control knob on F8 from what you have now to 6 ticks to 8 ticks lower.
Since yesterday I arrived at the F8 Volume setting I have now (3 ticks left of 50%) by finding what 'sounds right', I don't understand why I would want it to be "6 ticks to 8 ticks lower" that that (than what sounds right). I must be missing something.

This will bring up the relative gain of all other channels over subwoofer. My personal preference is center channel should be 2-3db higher because the location of center channel is dead center and that seems to make the perceive loudness to be lower than other channels.