Quote Originally Posted by stanfnelson View Post
OK point taken. If you haven't figured out yet, I do a lot of "figuring"...I am a maximizer, which is good when you are an audiophile that works for a church, you have to make every penny count. Here is what I am thinking about based on your recommendations:

How important is the Denon front end piece? We are basically talking about enough money to fund the Horizon, the HTMs or CBMs and at least one sub. Rather than running all of the video through a 4k receiver and really simplify the system, I could run separate HDMIs from all my sources to the 4K TV and use my ONKYO TX-NR807 as audio central and use the TV as video central. So, my power, DACs and video processing is not optimized, but I would have all the speakers.

Where do the priorities lie?
The priority is always the speakers first. I think it is totally fine to use your current receiver for amplification and use your TV as the switch if you are OK with doing that. You'll have plenty of power, so you should be good to go.

Also realize that unless the source you're using is 4K, it doesn't matter if you use the receiver or not. There isn't a lot of 4K content besides a few things on Netflix and the new UHD Blu Rays. Other than that, everything is still 1080P, so using your current receiver, it would look exactly the same. The only time you'd need to bypass the receiver is if you're actually watching 4K content.