... man, this is getting discouraging. I've read reports of BDP-103 "hissing" due to volume control using digital compression, and Oppo reporting "not meant to be used as a preamp". The BDP-105 is a thousand dollars more.

Okay, bottom line: I want the RAAL towers, and I want good clean power for them. I want 2.1 home theater capability. I don't care about room correction software. I just want clean input to amp, clean power out of amp, and correct processing of signal going to my system (Dolby, DTS, etc).

Does anyone here know what to do? Someone on another thread mentioned speaker level / line level adapters. Really?? I want a very very low noise floor to the RAALs. Good DACs, good power, etc.

Most likely will not be using subwoofers, at least anytime soon. Sorry guys, any advice you can give is much appreciated.