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Thread: HT Receiver with Ascend questions

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: HT Receiver with Ascend questions

    There are two schools of thought here.

    ones who say watts are very important and ones who say watts mean squat:-)
    I got the 50 watt one as that is one of the marantzs with a display on the receiver. I am not too big a fan of their port display as they call it which needs the receiver to be connected to a tv/projector to see the volume, listening mode or anything for that matter.

    I am happy with it as far as music is concerned but have to increase the volume a bit to get that oomph for movies. once in a while I get the idea to add an external amp but I was advised many times not to add an amp but to spend money on room treatments which themselves also fall into to do or not to do category:-)

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Re: HT Receiver with Ascend questions

    A friend of mine is going to sell me his HK AVR 630 for $60 since he doesn't use it and has a newer model. I don't need HDMI switch as I am using my Tivo for 1080p pass through. This should give me a quick fix until I purchase something more substantial. This receiver was $1,299 when it was released.

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