Quote Originally Posted by jonathan_teller View Post
But yeah, I did want Dave and others to know that you can get rid of the 2kHz notch filter, since that can be a very offensive alteration that is not needed with well designed speakers! But if you want the notch filter gone AND anything other than a flat target curve, you're right back to needing Audyssey Pro (or putting up with THX Re-EQ's "opinion" ).
So turns out I was too hasty in agreeing with your explanation. The AVS gurus pointed me to these two posts by the Audyssey founder, who has stated that consumer (non-Pro) Audyssey Flat / Music curve has the same MRC dip as the Audyssey / Movie curve. The only way to get rid of it is to use the Pro software, as I have originally stated. (I've updated my post above.)

