@dittomusik: Is your copy of "Hounds of Love" a re-release (i.e. remastered)? Ms. Bush recently remastered "The Sensual World" and "Red Shoes". The CD sound on "Hounds of Love" is a bit lacking - I would love to hear a retooling of that! I had the album, but crazy ex-wives...

@Sonic Ray: I know Ms. Amos is a gifted artist in her own right, but when she first appeared on the music scene, she was on Letterman, at the keyboard in a classic Kate Bush pose (left leg well behind the bench) with classic KB vocals and I immediately yelled at my TV, "Rip off!" If I was not a Bush fan in the first place, I probably would have loved Amos' music, but, alas... Please, no offense intended towards to your musical tastes!

@everyone else - thank you so much for this thread and the official one - lots of music to audition and buy!

I was looking over my music collection this weekend and think I will start a thread about "alternative" music ("alternative" as in left of the dial, not the garbage radio stations advertise as such). Any takers?