Here'e how it went down. Honey called me at work yesterday at around 12:30 to tell me that everything had arrived. I work for the local natural gas company as a meter reader, so needless to say, I was setting the leaves on fire to make sure my route got finished. Got home and saw 5 large boxes on the floor. I was not prepared for how big everything was. You see measurements on paper, but it just didn't register until I saw everything first hand. Took my time unpacking. All packages arrived with zero damage, so a big thanks to UPS and Ascend for the double boxing. Had to make a Wally World run to buy some things for a McGuyver (not sure about the spelling) center channel stand. The back of my Sony RPTV slopes off quite a bit after a 3" top ledge. A few cheap rubber door stoppers, some 1" round stick-on rubber pads, and some black electrical tape, and I was in bidness. Got the center set up, placed the mains on the stands, placed the rears on their get-by-for-now stands, placed the positively massive VTF3-MkII, spent what seemed like forever attaching banana plugs to the speaker wire, and fired everything up. Ran the YPAO auto set-up from my Yamaha HTR-5790, tweaked a little, and stuck in Black Hawk Down. I don't really have the words to describe what the sound was like, except to say that for years I didn't realize what I had been missing. Excellent sound stage, not too bright, not too laid back. Just perfect with some phenomenal bass from the HSU. Still have to hide some wires, get some good stands for the rears, and calibrate with AVIA and my spl meter. But I gotta say thumbs up to Ascend and HSU. They're all keepers. Curtis, add my name to the demo list cause' these things aren't going back!!