Azanon, regarding your other quote> "People joke that speakers that have no highs or lows are ****. Remember, **** bass modules go lower than ascends, so..... where does that say about Ascends? I think its obvious; they need a sub"

It is both mine and many other's opinion that when that famous B*** quote is discussed, they are referring to systems that already include a subwoofer, scratch that, a "bass module".

I am unsure of what your point is. You would rather have a $1500 B*** system (that includes a bass module) than an all CBM-170 system (w/o subwoofer) that costs half that amount? You can easily improve the low end response of the Ascend system by adding an STF-1 SUBWOOFER for a total cost that will still be $500 less than the B*** system. This Ascend system will be +/- 3 dB from 35hz to 20khz. The B*** system would be +/- 10dB from 46hz to 8khz?

How would you "improve" the high frequency and midrange response of the B*** system to match (or even come close) to the Ascends? You flat out could not..... unless you replaced the entire system.

Another interesting tidbit, the bass module in question is a bandpass design. With this type of design, ALL output is being reproduced by the port. Cup your hands together to form a cone, place them to your mouth and hum or speak deeply and listen. Take your hands away, and have a listen now. Which sounds more natural to you??? Midbass frequencies being reproduced through a port lose ALL detail. Give me a quality bookshelf speaker for music AND home theater over this other system any day of the week. No comparison in my book, I like to hear everything that the director and sound engineers intended for me to hear.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, however, your opinion is certainly not shared by the large majortiy of Ascend customers.

Good Sound To You!

David Fabrikant