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Thread: CD Sales Continued Downward Trend

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default CD Sales Continued Downward Trend

    I guess its just a matter of time, perhaps just a couple of very short years be fore CDs will be no longer available. I'm quite saddened by this inevitability. Online purchasing is way up again. I guess this is OK,but I suspect the vast majority of these sales are lossy files. I can't seem to find any stats. It's just a feeling I have.

    The good news is Vinyl sales are up. Now this is very cool. Once CDs are gone I can go back to vinyl, YEAH ! See there's something about being able to, select, grasp,remove from case or jacket place onto your player, play, and listen that I like a lot. This seemingly meaningless activity has taken on some value for me. Playing music or should I say music files off your harddrive or server does'nt quite cut it for me,and I have a nearly a thousand gigs of of music.

    Anyways here are some links

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: CD Sales Continued Downward Trend

    There is some quality lost from compressed files. I don't have an ipod yet. Guess I'm old school.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default CD Sales Continued Downward Trend

    Do we need to post an add also if we are trying to find a Paso or only for sales?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: CD Sales Continued Downward Trend

    I personally believe it will be at least a decade before cds go away. People just like something physical, something they can actually touch. People also like the best quaility that they can purchase, and right now that would be cds. Mind you that is just my opinion, but I've heard many others agree with this. I have also read articles saying that cds are here to stay for quite awhile. Granted sales might be slipping but I think there will be a market for cds for a long time coming.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: CD Sales Continued Downward Trend

    I wonder what the cost differential is between a recorded CD and a flash drive.

    Instead of selling us a CD (650mb) why not sell us a flash drive (just 1g would be enough) with lossy and lossless versions of the content?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: CD Sales Continued Downward Trend

    Keep the size of the current cd case, either plastic or cardboard ( green ) , put a flash drive in there with the cd booklet so you still get the cover art and other stuff.......Curtis you may have something there. Saves alot of plastic from the discs.....but too small to have the the " album art " on the outside of the jump drives. I would reluctantly except this but would still rather have the discs. Now if everything I wanted to buy came out on vinyl, I could re adapt to that, as it would be the same as collecting the discs to some extent and other than flippin the LP, I LOVE that plan. I just have this thing about having a hard copy of my favorite stuff. But I guess if you could always download uncompressed files which alot of us are doing already from certain artists and still get the artwork and extra info, you could always burn your own disc, although there's extra cost involved. ANYWAYS , what about my dreams of expanding my SACD collection without having to shell out 20 to 30 bucks a disc......dammit, there I go slipping into utopia again.

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