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Thread: JL113 or Rythic 15

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default JL113 or Rythic 15

    JL 113's or rythmic 15?
    I own the F113 how do they compare besides in price.
    I need another sub for music.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: JL113 or Rythic 15

    I have heard the JL112 along side the Rythmik 15....very close. The 112 is said to have better upper bass than the 113, and in comparison I think Mike S. thought the same compared to the Rythmik. To me, I thought the Rythmik was at least as articulate if not a bit better. The Rythmik definitely played down low a little easier than the 112.

    The build of the JL is much nicer.

    If you are looking at price, it is a no brainer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Re: JL113 or Rythic 15

    Quote Originally Posted by curtis View Post
    I have heard the JL112 along side the Rythmik 15....very close. The 112 is said to have better upper bass than the 113, and in comparison I think Mike S. thought the same compared to the Rythmik. To me, I thought the Rythmik was at least as articulate if not a bit better. The Rythmik definitely played down low a little easier than the 112.

    The build of the JL is much nicer.

    If you are looking at price, it is a no brainer.
    Thanks Curtis for sharing the info. I'm in the same boat as well in trying to decide which route to go. The size of DE15 is killing me (23") on the other hand, the pricing of JL is twice as much.
    Out of curiosity, which track did you use determine Rhythmik played down a little better than f112?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: JL113 or Rythic 15

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam1000 View Post
    Out of curiosity, which track did you use determine Rhythmik played down a little better than f112?
    The Saint Saenz track from the Hsu demo disc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Lomita, CA

    Default Re: JL113 or Rythic 15

    The Rythmiks definitely have deeper extension, although the distortion limited output is not really any higher.

    According to this chart:

    The f113 hits 97dB at 16hz. The 12" Rythmik hit 90dB. So the 15" Rythmik would probably hit 93-94dB, which is very good considering it's 1/3rd the price of the f113.

    The f113 pulls away a bit in the upper bass hitting 117dB in the 50-63hz range. While the 12" Rythmik hits 108dB. So probably 111-112 for the 15".

    Or course that's just output. If you're looking for another sub for music and you aren't playing at insane levels, the Rythmik should work just fine.

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