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Thread: Hi from Utah!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Hi from Utah!


    I've been lurking around here for about a month or so. Here's a brief background:

    I was without a stereo for a good 3-4 years and got the urge to put together a new one. Many years ago I auditioned some PSB Image 4T's and I thought they sounded really good. Well, my budget was limited, so I was looking for some older, used PSB's. I found some Image 2B's on eBay and when I got them, I was pretty disappointed with their sound--nothing like the way I remembered how the 4T's sounded; I thought that they would at least be similar since they belonged to the same family. So I sold them and then continued my quest for some new speakers. I discovered the CBM-170 SE's, I can't remember where, maybe AVS forums--I was intrigued! They were a little beyond the budget, but just a few days ago, I broke down and ordered a pair and they should arrive tomorrow.

    I'm excited because these will be, by far, the most neutral speakers that I've owned, so I'm looking forward to an honest, uncolored, presentation of my favorite music.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Catonsville, MD

    Default Re: Hi from Utah!

    welcome to the ascend family, Ralls. be sure to let us know what you think when you get your speakers!
    CMT-340SE2 Mains & Center, CBM-170SE Surrounds, Rythmik F15, Emotiva XMC-1, Emotiva XPA-5

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Hi from Utah!

    Thanks! I just checked the UPS delivery status and they're out for delivery! I will definitely post impressions after I set them up and listen for awhile.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Juliette, GA

    Default Re: Hi from Utah!

    Welcome! It sounds like you have a fun night ahead reintroducing yourself to your music collection!

    I have 170's as surrounds. I found my Ascends needed some break in time. They will sound different a week from now compared to straight out of the box. They sound just fine brand new, but they will sound even better after they play a little while. I noticed most in the mid bass region.

    When you leave your impressions, be sure to tell us a little about your listening environmnent and the kind of music you like.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Hi from Utah!

    Thanks DougMac. I set them up last night and listened to quite a bit of music, as well as watched a movie. I am VERY impressed with these speakers, even blown away. They met my expectations, which were admittedly high based on all that I had read, and even exceeded them. Dave and his team make a fantastic product!

    I'm going to listen to them for another few days to a week before I write a real summary/review. Stay tuned.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Hi from Utah!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ralls View Post
    Thanks DougMac. I set them up last night and listened to quite a bit of music, as well as watched a movie. I am VERY impressed with these speakers, even blown away. They met my expectations, which were admittedly high based on all that I had read, and even exceeded them. Dave and his team make a fantastic product!

    I'm going to listen to them for another few days to a week before I write a real summary/review. Stay tuned.
    Hi Ralls,

    I am very pleased to hear that you are enjoying your new CBM-170 SE and I look forward to reading your review
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

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