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Thread: Audio noob

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Smile Audio noob

    Hi Guys!

    My name is Matt and I'm pretty much an audio neophyte.

    I'm just starting to get into the audio world. The impetus to start was to improve my family's movie watching experience. We were just using the built in TV speakers and often had problems understanding dialog. For example, in 3:10 to Yuma there is a scene where Russel Crowe walks behind a woman and talks quietly behind her. Nobody could understand what he was saying. I replayed it 5 times and still nobody could catch it.

    That started me looking for a better solution with clarity being the priority. I read AVS, several HT boards and heard some pretty positive reviews about Ascend's speakers. I found a gentleman that was selling the front 3 Natural Sierras because he was moving to a smaller place. So now I had speakers, did some more research and bought an Onkyo 805 to hook up to my PS3 for Blu-ray. I must say that there was a dramatic improvement in the sound quality and it's amazing how much more immersing movies are. My next steps are to get surround sound speakers and a subwoofer.

    I've talked with Dina a few times and Dave once. Got my warranty transferred over and bought some speaker cables to replace the cheap speaker wires that I bought at Best Buy. They both seem like fabulous people. They are very nice, easy to talk with, and Ascend's customer services is top notch.

    Oh, this is an introduction thread, right? If you've gotten this far, thanks for listening.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Audio noob

    Congrats on the new setup, welcome abaord. Sounds like you've got a great setup.

    Clarity is a great thing. We were watching a movie the other day (don't remember which one) and there was a scene where a traditional (classic 40's-70's style metal bell ringer) phone rang. The combination of good movie recording, good speakers, and just the right volume startled me because it sounded exactly like it was in the room. I also have three natural Sierras across the front (classic CBM-170's in the rear and ACI Titan XL sub).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Audio noob

    Thanks! Most happy to be here.

    lol, I had almost the same thing happen. We were watching a movie and a cell phone went off. My wife actually got up and was going to answer her cell. I said (with a big grin on my face) that it was just the movie.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Audio noob

    Hi Karmak, and welcome. What a fabulous start to building your HT/Audio system, WOW!.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Audio noob

    Thanks, Julio. I'm stoked that I was able to get something that works so well right outta the gates. Dave and crew have put together some amazing stuff. I'm so impressed that I'm trying to convince my wife that we need some more sound throughout the house. The good news is that after hearing the Sierras she's not putting up much of a fight.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Audio noob

    Hi Matt,

    Welcome to the family! I am especially pleased to hear that you are enjoying the Sierra-1
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Re: Audio noob

    Thanks Dave! Everbody that I've been making listen has been very impressed with the sound. I'm going to post a question in the Setup forum asking for some install advice and I'd love to have your opinion.

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