So much music, it's hard to come up with just a few. How about some international fun:

Lilit Pipoyan - Lialousin - Armenian folk singer that a fellow audio geek turned me on to. I also have her Blue Flower CD which has some good tracks, but overall I like Lialousin better. Samples and CD available here:

Cheb Mami - Meli Meli - Algerian/French Rai singer - great singer and a very accessible Rai album (IMO) You might recognize the voice from Sting's Desert Rose song. Can be had for cheap in the Amazon used section -

12 Girls Band - Eastern Energy - Chinese instrumental classical meets modern, a bit like Bond. This album received some US interest because of their cover of Coldplay's Clocks. More accessible than straight traditional Chinese music, but perhaps less than one of the Tan Dun/Yo-Yo Ma ventures.

Orlando Cachaito Lopez - Cachaito - solo album from the bass player featured on Buena Vista Social Club. One of the tracks has been a standard on me demo CD for a while now. Not traditional Cuban music though, there are many other options for that direction.