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Thread: New to the forum - I have a decision to make

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    and what did they think about your setup?

    also - have you seen or used the stands that ascend sells? I wonder how sturdy and well built they were.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    They both liked the setup.....maybe they will chime in. Both are not in a hurry to buy though. One was in town on business, and the other I know through Hsu's forum, and both took advantage of the opportunity.

    I have seen the custom stand for the CMT-340....those are pretty sturdy, especially if filled with sand. I have not seen the others.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    my main use will be for HT, but how do the 340's fair for music. I'm really getting into DVD music and so forth.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Remembering that how they sound is subjective, I think they hold their own or best lot more costly speakers, B&M and direct to consumer. Are they the best? Ofcourse not, but I am very happy with them and not looking for new speakers. When I am ready to "upgrade" I know it is going to take a lot of money (in my mind) to get a set of speakers that are significantly better.

    Music is more important to me than HT, in fact, like many people that have found speakers that they enjoy, I listen to more music now than before. I used to listen to music a lot when I was younger, but my current system has renewed that interest. In fact, I enjoy a much wider range of music now than I did before...but still not country. [] I also enjoy hi-rez/multichannel music.

    All the boards you have probably visited, this one, Axiom, AV123, AVS, HTS, etc., probably encourage you to listen to certain speakers....some will even claim that "their" speaker is the best. I say try them, but I know it is a tough process. Shipping back a pair of speaker from where you are to CA will probably run you $40 insured for a pair of CMT-340's, less for a pair of 170's....that is my guess. I'd hesitate to do it as well, and that is why I don't mind having people over...I have met mostly very admirable people, enjoy listening to music, and like hear the music they bring. I got lucky and heard the Ascends locally, so I did not have to agonize as much with a "trial".

    That is the toughest thing to do with these internet direct companies, pulling the trigger on a trial. For a lot of people, it pays off, but for others, it doesn't.

    Not sure that helps or not....I just kind of rambled. I just watched "School of Rock" on the system, and was a bit energized. [].

    Good luckon finding the right speaker for you.


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    excellent reply curtis.

    now if I could only decide whether to order a 340 front end or 170 340 170...... hrmmmmmmmm

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    No matter what you do, I would just get a pair of speakers first. If you decide to send them back, your shipping charges will be lower. Other than that, give Ascend a call and discuss between the 170's and 340's. In your room, I think the 170's will be great.


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    I have a pretty big room and I just got the 170s fronts and surrounds, 340 center, and a STF3 sub. I was worried about the book shelves sounding 'small'. They are plenty loud and sound good, expecially with the STF3. I also got the HK 7200. BTW, the STF3 is huge. Right now, it is an end table for my couch.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    yeah I keep hearing or reading this 2 characteristics...

    the 340's play fuller and lower but the 170's create a more expansive soundfield....

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    actually, IMO, the 340's also have a bigger soundstage.....they just play bigger overall, and are a bit more forward than the 170's.

    CBM-170's and a nice sub will work very nicely in a 12x12 room IMO.


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Charter Oak, Iowa


    My room is about 13X15 and once again put my 170's to the front the other night just for fun. The 170's are one fine speaker for a room my size.


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