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Thread: Received my 5.1 340 setup.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hey guys,

    The more I think about this, I believe the problem may lie with the receiver/settings (assuming this particular CMT340C is not defective). Vocals and dialog are the 340's strong suit, and when I switched to it from a Klipsch KV2, the difference was stunning. Sound was a lot more open and less 'honky'. I use a Marantz receiver SR6200 and have found that when the bass-management and tone circuit is engaged, the sound quality suffers a lot, particularly in the warmth of the midrange. It is amazing to me that a receiver of this calibre (Yes, I know it is mid-fi!) colors the sound so! I've found a way to obviate my problems, but the point I'm making is that the receiver may be the culprit here.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Wouldn't the 340 L/R's then have the same issue as the center?
    For me at least, it didn't.
    I'm using an NAD receiver with 100 per channel, so it should be more than efficient.

    When I get around to it, I'll probably try a couple of other centers out to see I can hear a difference.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Actually no. I've actually seen receivers where stereo sounds great but activating the center output dramatically narrows the soundfield (due to the center output from the receiver having altered tonality). This was especially true in ProLogic, less so in DD. In re-reading your posts, I have a couple of questions...Did you have soundfield problems with the center with Dolby Digital sources? TV and cable have fairly poor sound quality and very often sound better in 2 channel. If you had problems with DD, did you lower the center channel output levels on the receiver to have a more harmonious blend? Did you switch the L/R with the center to check if the center channel output was working as it was supposed to? Given that your receiver is an NAD, I am inclined to believe that the receiver should sound great, if it was functioning normally. However, seeing the altered tonality induced by my Marantz (by all accounts, a fairly good receiver) I am getting fairly leery of any digital processing and believe that they can degrade sound unless implemented properly.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Some great info going on in this thread!

    RandyK offered some good advice, as did AjayRav... To answer an important question.. the 340 center should sound EXACTLY like the 340 mains. If it does not, most likely placement issues. Swap a center with a main and have a listen

    The center speaker is the most difficult speaker to place due to the fact that it is operating on top of a large baffle and usually very close to a rear wall. This can have many adverse effects.

    Almost daily we receive reports on how well the 340c reproduces dialogue and how it directs the sound towards the Television. As other have pointed out, it is definitely a strong point of the speaker.

    Clutch... please confirm your center serial number, I want to examine the response curves (yes... we really do keep these on file!) Also, please try the "swapping" I recommended. While it is very unlikely the speaker left our factory with a problem, a hidden defect might have surfaced.

    AjayRav... yes, many dsp modes on many different receivers are not implemented properly and can definitely degrade the sound. I have an older Marantz (which I no longer use) that sounded great in stereo as well, Dolby Digital was (to be perfectly blunt) a mess.

    december11.... please try any other center and let me know if what you heard previously still exists (my guess is that it will). Try one of your 340 mains as the center and let me know...

    Good stuff here!

    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Oooh, ooh!! Can I get my response curves too?!?

    Dave, I think you opened a big can of worms! []


  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Little Rock, AR


    Sorry for the delay. I was having computer problems last night and wasn't able to get online. I'll post the serial number this evening.

    As soon as I can get my brother over I will start swapping out. I want to do it blind.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Little Rock, AR


    Again, sorry for the delay. I've had one hell of a day. On a brighter note part of my hellish day involved closing on the sale of my mobile home. Now that I'm rid of my mobile home I can actually afford my speakers! []

    The serial number of my 340c is 93560396.

    Don't know when I am going to get around to swapping out the speakers. My brother has guests coming in for the weekend. Probably be able to get him to help one night next week.

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