Some great info going on in this thread!

RandyK offered some good advice, as did AjayRav... To answer an important question.. the 340 center should sound EXACTLY like the 340 mains. If it does not, most likely placement issues. Swap a center with a main and have a listen

The center speaker is the most difficult speaker to place due to the fact that it is operating on top of a large baffle and usually very close to a rear wall. This can have many adverse effects.

Almost daily we receive reports on how well the 340c reproduces dialogue and how it directs the sound towards the Television. As other have pointed out, it is definitely a strong point of the speaker.

Clutch... please confirm your center serial number, I want to examine the response curves (yes... we really do keep these on file!) Also, please try the "swapping" I recommended. While it is very unlikely the speaker left our factory with a problem, a hidden defect might have surfaced.

AjayRav... yes, many dsp modes on many different receivers are not implemented properly and can definitely degrade the sound. I have an older Marantz (which I no longer use) that sounded great in stereo as well, Dolby Digital was (to be perfectly blunt) a mess.

december11.... please try any other center and let me know if what you heard previously still exists (my guess is that it will). Try one of your 340 mains as the center and let me know...

Good stuff here!

Good Sound To You!

David Fabrikant