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Thread: Which Sub? or Ascend vs Klipsch

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    I found out tomorrow is the absolute last day I've got to decide...

    The Klipschs are the RF-62's and an RC-62

    I am A/B ing them by using the A/B feature of the receiver. They are pretty much in the same location.

    Any helpful hints in what a guy can do in 1 night to decide would be appreciated...

    Unfortunately, I do not have access to a sound meter at the moment... I borrowed mine out and don't feel like going to buy another.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Charter Oak, Iowa


    The Klipsch speakers are slightly more efficient and the horn tweeter presents a more forward sound. The Klipsch speakers that I have heard do present as dynamic so I can understand your interpretation there. Try to level match if you can before sending the speakers back.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    I do give the Ascends more volume when comparing... Is that what you mean by level matching?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Level matching is making sure you are getting the same overall SPL.

    If you listen to two sets of speakers, and 1 of those pairs is a little more efficient, it will play a little louder at the same volume setting on the receiver. When a speaker plays a little louder, it gives the impression of being better, fuller, etc.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I might add,

    Don't A/B between the speakers quickly... Spend time with each speaker and try to hear background sounds in the music. Breathing, the pluck of a guitar string -- close your eyes and try to imagine the location of the instruments and vocalist.

    Critical listening is a skill that develops from experience and it takes time to develop.

    I would recommend returning the Klipsch now, spend a good 3-4 weeks with the Ascends -- then go purchase the Klipsch again and then spend some quality listening time. This way, you have more time and I can assure you that if you purchased the Klipsch locally, the store will most certainly sell them to you again at a later time.

    Also, since you are using a subwoofer, it is very important to properly integrate the subwoofer with the speakers and this takes some time to do right. (and the settings will be different between the Klipsch and the Ascends) You definitely need more time in this and I think my above suggestion might be the best option for you.

    Good Luck and please understand that it is absolutely OK if you prefer the sound of the Klipsch speakers...
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    yeah.. I was heading down that direction myself... I'm just too panicked to do this right.

    We'll see what the next few weeks brings.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default right on the money!

    lokiman, dave is right on the money (as if you didn't know). i have been listining to music all my life. it wasn't until i was in my early 30's, two years ago, that I first decided to listen to the words of the songs and put a picture together in my head of what was going on in the song. the music was easy, i could hum and hit all the notes spot on after only a few times listening to any songs. the words came with time and memory retention. the feeling and expressions that were passed along in the songs were another thing that I finally decided to listen to and am thankful that i have. there are songs that will make you angry, sad, passionate, laugh, choke-up, bring back memories and so forth. this is what the singer/artist is trying to envoke usually (unless it is about money for them and it is for many!).

    in my write-up on the shootout, i talked about the lips separating of sarah mclachlan, the background sounds and talking and coughing during the diana krall dvd, the passion in josh groban's voice, etc. it is these things that make music so wonderful and why so many of us here are so serious about this pasttime/these speakers that can reproduce these sounds and such quality. i can hear more on the high end and low end of the spectrum that most can and i am greatful but anyone can hear what i hear in the songs if you care to listen and appreciate the writer and singers. enjoy it and don't look back. i can promise that if you do this you will never hear music the same again and this is when you will begin the trek to audiophiledom - if you will.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
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    Ahh, I didn't realize you were switching so quickly.

    You had the Klipsch's for a long time (in comparison) - so your ear got used to them. I agree with Dave F's suggestion - give the Ascends ~30 days so you can adjust to them. I think you'll feel much better about your decision (either way) after doing so.

    Goodluck! And keep us posted. We're here to help....
    Jon O.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    King of Prussia, Pennsylvania


    lokiman, you have some good speakers there. I went to stores to audition speakers, Magnolia and a local high-end stereo shop. My price range is < $1500. In both stores, I pretty much listened to everything they had and I liked the RF-62 the best out of everything that cost less than $2500, even better than the step-up RF-82. They are the speakers I would purchase at this time, considering everything I have heard. I am also considering buying ascends, so your comments are very interesting to me.

    I am a hobbiest musician who plays live, and I do believe I know good sound when I hear it. While I don't know if the ascends actually sound better or not, I think you probably also know good sound when you hear it. I suggest that some of the Ascend owners here go out and listen to these RF-62s (at any BB with a Magnolia). I would be curious to know what they think about them. They are the smoothest sounding, least bright Klipsch I have heard.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Yeah.. I was hoping to hear from audibleconnoisseur as well.. He mentioned he might do a test. These Ascends do grow on you, but I kind of miss how much more forward the RF-62's sounded... That might not in general be a good thing, but I did like it.

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