OK, game's on. I heard that high-pitched vibration during speech, switched to the analogs, a totally different set of outputs/inputs, and STILL heard it. I should note that the only two channels I heard it on are MSG and CBS during the Superbowl. The one things these have it common, MSG all the time, and the CBS only during the SB for some reason, is the volume level these channels are at compared to the rest of the channels. MSG is much lower, and I have to turn the receiver up about 10 db's more. CBS is fine, except during the super bowl, the audio was MUCH lower during gameplay, and I had to do the same thing. Is it possible that either my receiver or the speaker wire is having trouble with the load? It's only during someone talking, certain voices affect it more than others, and if I lower the volume a bit, I don't notice it (but why should I have to do that).

OK, actually, I'm still listening, they went from the annoucers on the court back to the studio, and now I can't hear it. Could this be from the network itself, in particular, the audio equipment the announcer is using? I've only got my receiver up to -28db, so I think it should be fine. Maybe I'm expecting too much out of a TV broadcast, even though it is DD 2.0.