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Thread: Advice needed on Center Channel & Plasma TV

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Advice needed on Center Channel & Plasma TV

    I posted this in the sticky on center channel placement, but have not received a response so I am posting it in it's own thread. I appologize if you have already seen this post.

    I am looking for some mounting advice for a CMT-340. I have a Panny plasma wall mounted above a fireplace. The front edge of the TV is only 9 inches from the wall. Since the CMT-340 is rear ported how far from the wall does it need to be? I have read a foot. Since there is a fireplace below the TV, am I not correct that I have to mount it above. This would require the front of the speaker overhanging the TV by 13.5 inches. I don't see how that will look good, particularly if I use the TV bracket solution. Does anyone have any ideas or solutions for how to use a 340 with a wall mounted plasma or LCD TV and still have it look good. Thanks,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    the amount of space needed behind the 340c varies from room to room. I have about 14"-15" behind mine.

    It seems as though if you mounted a center channel above your TV, it would be pretty high.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by curtis
    the amount of space needed behind the 340c varies from room to room. I have about 14"-15" behind mine.

    It seems as though if you mounted a center channel above your TV, it would be pretty high.
    Thanks Curtis,

    Yes it is high, but I do not know where else I can place it. The room lends itself to only one location for the TV and that is on the wall above the fireplace. That makes the TV higher than perfect to start with. If I rasise the TV several more inches & place the center channel in between the mantle and the TV the TV is way too high and if I use the 340 it is going to be jutting out over a foot farther than the TV or mantle.

    To compensate for the height, I plan to angle the TV and the mains and center down toward the listening/viewing area.

    I am begining to think the 340 is just too big for a center channel in my set up. Do you have a suggestion of a smaller (depth that is) speaker that would have the same timbre as the 340 mains so as to keep the image in tact?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Have you trying running a phantom center by telling your receiver no center channel? It may be the best solution for your layout.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn
    Have you trying running a phantom center by telling your receiver no center channel? It may be the best solution for your layout.
    I have not Quinn. You may be correct - a phantom may be the best solution, but it is not my forst choice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Why don't you mount the center BELOW the plasma?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by KojiroTakenashi
    Why don't you mount the center BELOW the plasma?
    Below the Plasma is a fireplace and mantle. So if I mount it between the mantle and the plasma it will make the Plasma too high.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    I made a compromise with my wife that you might want to consider. She hates the look of the 340C on top of our entertainment center but she likes what the 340C adds to movies and music DVD's. So the only time the 340C is on the entertainment center is when it's actually in use. The rest of the time it's put away. You could mount the 340C on a stand in front of the fireplace (provided there's no fire ) when it's needed and put it away when not in use. It may sound like a pain but I'm so used to it by now that I hardly give it a second thought. Our fireplace is what caused me to use the short side of the room for the entertainment center. Acoustically, using the length of the room would have made more sense. Good luck with your decesion.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Thanks for the suggestion, David. It had occurred to me, but I had dismissed it. So, you do not find it too much trouble and only pull it out when you are watching a movie. Nice idea.

    Dave F, needs to work a miracle and get the 340 sound into a smaller package for the flat screen TVs, and while he is at it make it for less money. Wouldn't that be great.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    I'm pretty certain that's what the CBMs and HTMs are for. While they don't have the FR on the lower end, they still sound great thanks to the design philosophies that go into all three product lines. I hear you about the 'lifestyle' systems, though...Sure would make a great gift for my Dad...and my Girlfriend...and her parents...

    I think part of the reason he uses the Aerogel material is for cost-cutting. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the material is recylable - this way if there's ever a bad batch of cones, they can just be thrown back into the vat and made over.

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