It is difficult to imagine what increased power can do without experiencing it. Greater dynamics and control of the drivers will change the sound. With less chance of amp clipping, you will have cleaner sound throughout the frequency range. I had a 60 watt per channel Rotel amp years ago feeding a pair of Vandersteen 1B's. it was a dual-mono design, having two seperate power supplies, and was bridgeable into a 180watt mono amp. I hooked up one 1B to it while bridged to see if the increase in power would make a noticable difference. It was not was dramatic! Besides the things I mentioned above, the most improved quality was the bass. Tighter and better defined, as well as greater extension. I was kicking myself for doing it because there was no way I could swing another $400 for a second amp, and Rotel had already made a model change removing one of the power transormers and going with a single toroidal type.

One day I will have a dedicated power amp again as funds allow.