Due to constantly keeping up with everything home theater, I haven't stayed up to date on the latest and greatest computer technology. I recently learned how to rip CD's with EAC and encode to mp3 with LAME, but now I need to know the best way to get this stuff to my receiver. There's the Airport from Apple, the Soundbridge, the Squeezebox, and good sound cards with optical or coax outs. What's the best way to get mp3's to my receiver? I don't have a wireless network, but could get one. Running cable from the computer room to the receiver wouldn't be a problem, either. I just don't know where to start with this. For what it's worth, my receiver is a Yamaha HTR-5790 that I got about a year and a half ago. I am expecting Santa to bring me an iPod Nano, so could I just bypass the computer and use the iPod to deliver the tunes to my system? If so, how? I want good fidelity more than the easiest and cheapest.