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Thread: The CMT-340 and CMT-340c Signature Editions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Post The CMT-340 and CMT-340c Signature Editions

    Introducing the CMT-340 and CMT-340c Signature Edition:

    Our 340s have been a pleasant surprise to me. I never expected such high volume sales and the daily feedback we receive has been wonderful.. thank you!

    Of course, if the CBM-170 is new and improved, the 340 deserves the same or more…

    The CMT-340SE uses a new high-performance 27mm chambered tweeter, also built by SEAS of Norway. This new tweeter offers all the same performance improvements as the new 170 tweeter and is perfectly timbre matched with the 170 SE tweeter. In fact, it uses the exact same 27mm dome as the new neo tweeter. The only real difference between the two is that this tweeter uses a larger faceplate and a much larger ferrite magnet (compared to the much smaller neodymium tweeter).

    This awesome tweeter offers cleaner and more detailed highs, and addresses what I feel was perhaps the only weakness of the original 340 tweeter. At very high volume levels, the original 340 tweeter started to sound a bit harsh… details would tend to blend together and lose separation, lose “distinctness”. This new tweeter offers a flatter response with greater high-frequency extension, a much lower resonant frequency and much higher power handling. It is also better damped due to a ferrofluid filled voice coil gap.

    We have also incorporated the upgraded woofers into the 340SE while also lowering the port tune of the cabinet by approximately 10Hz… What exactly does that mean… Something I have been wanting to say for a while now.. go ahead.. run them full-range all day long if you wish The lower port tune means lesser cone movement at lower frequencies and the increase in woofer excursion means greater control and improved low frequency performance.

    I know many of you enjoy running the 340 mains full range without a subwoofer for music. I have never recommended it knowing the limitations of the original aerogel woofers… It is a completely different situation with the 340 SE, and I am most happy to make that announcement!

    I want to make something clear so there is no confusion here… Both the CBM-170 SE and CMT-340 SE models are technically more advanced then their predecessors. The enhancements I have made are significant but the sound for both models is still the same great Ascend sound we have become famous for… only better.. cleaner and smoother, with noticeably more punch (note: not boom) in the low-end. Frequency response measurements for the SE models are almost identical to their original’s yet with a wider bandwidth… From an objective standpoint, spectral decay, frequency response, and distortion measurements are improved.. and from a subjective listening standpoint… well, let me just say that I LOVE the new models and I wouldn’t have released them if they didn’t sound better…..

    How much will a pair cost?

    CMT-340 SE price per pair = $568

    The new 340 is quite a bit heavier due to the larger woofer magnets so shipping costs will be increasing to $26 per pair (up from $22 /pr).

    When will these be readily available?

    I was hoping for before Christmas but as usual, things got delayed.. I expect these to start shipping mid January. (only 2 months away!)

    Will upgrades be available from original CMT-340 (which can be referred to as 340 “classics”) to Signature Editions?

    Yes.. absolutely..but only in limited monthly quantities, but please contact me privately..

    I want to thank ALL OF YOU for being so incredibly supportive and allowing me to spend the time and devote the resources necessary to offer these incredible improvements. This has been a huge invesment for us and it simply could not have been possible without YOUR support... Thank You!

    ... and please have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Price for CMT-340c SE

    I didn't see the price posted for the 340c SE, is it $308?



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by schellhase
    I didn't see the price posted for the 340c SE, is it $308?


    If the math is right, it should be $308 + $18 shipping.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004


    In all seriousness I don't know how they can sound better than they already 340's are pretty awesome.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT
    In all seriousness I don't know how they can sound better than they already 340's are pretty awesome.
    Apparently the additional 10Hz bass extension will be huge, various possibilities
    will emerge from this...let alone the improvement on the high freq end... always
    interested in ribbon tweeters, now it's interesting to see how the new tweeters
    do vs. other mfr's ribbons.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by davef
    At very high volume levels, the original 340 tweeter started to sound a bit harsh… details would tend to blend together and lose separation, lose “distinctness”.
    This is exactly what I noticed when I ABed the 340s against the 170s. Emphasis on "VERY high volume levels" though.

    David, any chance of a "trade-in" discount if we send you back our old 340s?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie
    David, any chance of a "trade-in" discount if we send you back our old 340s?
    Stay tuned. I've just brought my 340M's into my study and I'm listening as I type. I don't think I'll be trading in the M's. I'll order the SE's and send the 340C back for the 340cSE so the HT stays seamless. This just may work.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Erie PA


    Yes, the 340m's are amazing, but if David says the SE's are better, I want to upgrade! Can't wait to find out the details so I can start saving up for the upgrade to the 3 front 340's I received in mid-October. And two 340 SE's will be purchased with my income tax refund in March or so for the corner surrounds... for my hi-rez multi-channel music cravings. Maybe I'll even spring for a 170 SE for my rear center channel (need something smaller than a 340 since it is mounted on the wall).
    -- Tom --
    My HT

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Margate, FL

    Red face What a dilemna!

    This is directed towards Mr. Fabrikant and his amazing speakers. I currently own KEF 101.2 loudspeakers (6.5" uni-q driver) with KEF center and surrounds. Have had them for at least 10 years. They are powered by a Denon AVR 3300 w/105 WPC X 5. All digital input from DVD, HD Tuner, DTV receiver, and HTPC. I appreciate good sound, have ever since I bought my first Mcintosh in High School (a long time ago).
    I have been looking for new speakers for quite a while now. After reading all the "professional reviews" and the user reviews wherever I could find them (AVS, Audioholics, etc.), I have not seen a bad word written about Axiom. No where, ever! I want a set of the new and improved 340M's and a 340C, with 170's for the rear. I have never heard these speakers. I have never seen these speakers. And this is the dilemna.

    The wife wants wood floors! (much more money than the Ascends!)

    So here is the agreement worked out with my grant committee. I can buy the speakers. She will be the final judge of whether they are a dramatic improvement or not. If she does not hear an improvement over the current system, they go back. She is a classically trained violinist who can appreciate good sound when she hears it.
    So, Mr. Fabrikant, will I get to keep the speakers? I will be ordering soon and I also realize that there will be a wait since you are probably swamped with the release of the new models.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by chasw98
    So here is the agreement worked out with my grant committee. I can buy the speakers. She will be the final judge of whether they are a dramatic improvement or not. If she does not hear an improvement over the current system, they go back. She is a classically trained violinist who can appreciate good sound when she hears it.
    So, Mr. Fabrikant, will I get to keep the speakers? I will be ordering soon and I also realize that there will be a wait since you are probably swamped with the release of the new models.
    I had a similar situation that I've written about previously. My wife is a lead singer with an ear to match her wonderful voice. She did not want new speakers. She felt the Mission speakers we had were acceptable. I went and ordered 340M's without her approval (Asking forgiveness is easier than asking permission).
    It took one CD, Paul Desmond's "Skylark," to seal the deal. She didn't say a word through the whole recording.
    Hope your experience is the same. I bet it will be.

    David (sorry, wrong Dave)

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