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Thread: my update and another question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    calgary ab

    Default my update and another question

    I havent been on this site in a long while. Well since i recieved my ascend setup. I love these speakers. Everything that others say about them are the truth. for those who are new and want to know about this company, you come to the right place. Here are the levels of audio as i see it. Entry level, Mid-fi, Hi-fi, Hi-end. These speakers IMO are Hi-fi on an enrty level price. The reason why i say this is because yes there are other speakers that are better than ascend, but you have to give up an arm and a leg to get them.

    my question is i have 2 vechiles and I want to upgrade them both to xm radio so i have to get new units. well i live in canda so i dont get to hear all the new car speakers out there but i did come across Focal speakers. They sounded very close to ascends to me but hear in canada they cost 1200. whew. but i was wondering if anyone else has heard speakers that sound close to ascend.

    To david or james if your reading this, i was wondering if you ever thought about making a car speaker.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hey Jojo,

    Thanks for the review and I am glad to hear that you are still enjoying your Ascends!

    To david or james if your reading this, i was wondering if you ever thought about making a car speaker.
    I have given this some thought as many people ask.. However, there are just too many variables when it comes to autosound. It is nearly impossible to predict exactly where the speakers will be placed and the amount of volume each speaker will have.. All this leads to too many design compromises which will compromise performance, something I don't like to accept...
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I would jump on some Ascend car speakers too.

    jojo....I recently got a new car and I am in the process of shopping for new car speakers to put into it. I spend a lot more time in the car now commuting to a new job.

    There are three brands that I have liked so far....but I do not remember the model numbers...and different models within the same brand did sound significantly different.

    The three brands that I liked were MB Quart, Diamond Audio, and DLS. Soon I will be hearing CDT Audio which I understand is a very good bang for the buck company.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Charter Oak, Iowa


    Oh yes! Ascend car speakers! I'd love to replace the Infinty's in my 300M with Ascend's. Dave, give it up, build a kick-azz car speaker!!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Car speakers sound good, but let's give him time to finish the wonder he's working on now. Whatever it is, I bet it will be sweet.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    calgary ab


    Yeah has anyone heard of focal. here in canada they cost 1200 a pair but ive found online for far less than that. ive heard these and they sound really good. i want to update both car and truck with xm radio and new headunits and speakers but as everyone hear what the most bang for the buck. And if Dave is working on a new speaker then i better hold off on my upgrade to the 340s

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by jojo
    And if Dave is working on a new speaker then i better hold off on my upgrade to the 340s
    Ascend isn't like other companies. They don't come out with a new and "improved" speaker to replace what's already out there. If Dave F. is working on anything (and he says he's always working on something), it'll probably be something different from what's already available in the Ascend lineup. The 340 is the newest of the Ascend's so I wouldn't look for a replacement anytime soon.
    I wouldn't hold off on the 340's. They're special and that isn't going to change with any new introductions.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    How about Ascend outdoor speakers????? Perhaps something similar to the 200's with an all-weather cabinet?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    calgary ab


    Quote Originally Posted by bikeman
    I wouldn't hold off on the 340's. They're special and that isn't going to change with any new introductions.


    Ive heard the 340's and love them. i also love my 170s. But my current listening area is to small for the 340's but once we get a house im getting them

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