Quote Originally Posted by gr1m
abhi, it's me CFA...yes I have my Pio 1014 mated with a pair of 170s up front, the 340c, 200s as surrounds, very neutral sound, definitely more detailed than a pair of floorstanding infinity spkrs that i junked. my svs pb10 is more than plenty and deep to cover my low-end needs. the 1014's auto-mcacc is very very helpful and user-friendly. i doubt there's anything out there in its price range that can compete as far as features/room calibrator, PLIIx, et al. good luck!
Hi gr1m, thanks for your reply! As per Lee's suggestions I'm gonna check the acoustic reflections with my denon/ascend setup. Even though I'm planning to get a pio 1014 for comparison and then decide which one to keep.