I love how these speakers look and would like to buy, but will hope the experts on this forum can provide guidance on what would work best
1. My family room is about 15' x 18' connected to an equal size kitchen/ nook / hallway. Very open floor plan. The family room is two storeys tall.
2. Would the Sierra 2EX or the Tower be a better bet? Main application is music, with movies as secondary
3. I have prewired using 14 gauge wire. Will that work with these speakers?
4. For the center, have only 4" available, so will have to go with a different brand. Any suggestions?
5. For the subwoofer, do you recommend I stick with Ascend or another brand?
6. For the amp, what do people usually go with for these speakers. I want easy connectivity to the phone, apps, with the capability for 2 additional zones so I can extend the same music to the kitchen area or to the patio.
Many thanks in advance!