Looking to get feedback on how often, if ever are you guys ( or gals if you're out there ) tweaking, either slightly ( say cabling ) or majorly, " adjusting " or trying something different in your system setup to see how it affects your listening experience. Are you constantly changing something, doing something once a year, or..... of the use it till it dies mentality. Other than listing your entire setups....have you made any small changes that maybe surprised you, which is where I'm coming from on this issue. I recently had been mostly playing output from itunes lossless library through a Music Streamer II DAC via USB to a Marantz 6006 receiver and 5 sierra 1 ( 1st gen ) in multi channel stereo ( with two added homebuilts to the fronts ) and HSU sub. I then tried other options for the output path. 1. Sending wirelessly from mac mini to receiver = nicely convenient but seemed to change the sound output making it slightly harsher. 2. Connecting mini with HDMI to receiver which seemed to sound slighly better, but I was still not satisfied. 3. and where I am at now running the HDMI from the mac mini to my oppo BDP 103 and then to the receiver. This seemed to move the instruments apart some and was noticably " different ". Now added to that, something that I always thought was possibly semi snake oil, changing the stock incoming power cable to a Pangea AC-9 on the receiver. Now with the separation of the instruments I am also hearing more of the tone and pitch of the notes of the guitar for example, and even hearing other faint instrumentation that I never new was there before on many tracks....and these are old ears that used to play drums. The ole stock sierras have never sounded better.....I wish I could spring for sierra 2's but medical issues and bills have put a damper on that......BUT my curiosity has been engaged to see what the rest of you may have tried that seemed to change things in your systems noticeably for the better.