I've been talking to Brian (great customer service and I'm not even a customer yet!) about a 3.1 Ascend/Rythmik system for my living room. Brian steered me mostly in the right direction, but I still need some help and really wanted to talk to other Ascend owners.

I'm (mostly) set on Sierra-1s w/ NrT upgrade across the front and a Rythmik F12. The only reason I haven't pulled the trigger is placement (see links and description below). I'm about 50/50 music and tv/movies and I typically listen well below reference levels. I kept going back and forth between CMT-340SEs across the front, however, most reviews seem to suggest Sierra-1s if you're a critical music listener (which I would consider myself to be) and not just part of the HT crowd. Not to say that 340s don't sound good for music or that Sierra-1s can't handle HT use -- this just seems to be the general thought. I want a system that can do it all, but if I have to choose, I care most about music.

Anyway, here's the only thing holding me back. I'm afraid to drop this kind of cash on a system and not have a room that will allow it to sound its best. Without some creative ideas from you all, I'm most likely looking at wall mounts. I know the rear ported speaker needs room to breathe. I also understand I can purchase Q-Plugs, but I just don't know.

Here is a link to a photo of my space and a link to my floor plan. It's hard to tell from the floor plan alone, but the tv niche is located on the east wall in the great room. The great room opens to the kitchen and the entire second floor. The ceiling in the great room is at an angle, but measures about 16.5 feet in the center

Here are a few of my ideas, but I'm open to any creative solutions that would allow me to get the maximum performance from my speakers.

1) Wall mount L/R speakers. Build a shelf to raise the tv. Put the center speaker under the shelf. Cons: the L/R channels are too close to the wall.

2) Build a shelf to raise the tv. Put the center speaker under the shelf. Put the L/R speakers in the tv niche (they actually fit next to the tv -- the photo is from a model home and my tv is smaller). Cons: possible reflection issues.

3) Build a shelf to raise the tv. Put the center speaker under the shelf. Put the L/R speakers on stands in front of the niche with the rear ports shooting into the tv niche. Cons: speakers are kind of close together.

4) Drywall over the entire tv niche. Get an entertainment center. Cons: drastic measures for speaker placement.

I'm honestly stumped here -- what do you guys think? Thanks in advance and sorry for the ridiculously long first post!