Hello, fellow audio enthusiast! I have enjoyed reading many of your discussions regarding Ascend Acoustics' products as well as the ones that simply share a passion for high quality audio enjoyment. I am thankful (read: Thrilled!) to be a part of your community. With that said, I have an agonizing dilemma that I am hoping your wisdom and experience may help to resolve.
In the nutshell, I'm trying to decide whether or not to replace my 23+ year old KEF 104/2s (original owner) with a pair of wall-mounted Sierra-1s. This imposing decision is driven by my effort to make my shrinking house more accommodating and family friendly for my growing family. The Sierras' would not only replace my two channel dedicated KEFs, but also assume the role of HT speakers replacing Acoustic Energy Aegis IIIs. I am currently using a Velodyne CT100 with the KEFs.
I am the stereotypical "Champagne taste on a beer budget." My listening ratio is probably greater than ninety percent toward the two-channel side. I am a huge fan of a detailed soundstage. My electronics are all NAD: 1300 preamp, 272 amp, and C515BEE CD player. And, my musical taste are all over the map. I look forward to hearing you thoughts and wisdom.

Best Wishes,
