So I was wondering, could the Sierra 1 with NrT tweeter benefit from using a felt tweak such as this?

I remember reading that there was some effect from the diffraction in the measurements that went away when sitting farther or bit off angle (don't remember the details...), but, could the felt still improve anything?

Secondly, we've probably all heard the benefits of room treatment and putting diffracting/absorbing materials on the 1st reflection points. What if you put a panel, right next to the speaker, to cut off directly all of the sound to the right and left of the speaker? And to the other extreme, maybe even another pair of panels on the inside, so that you basically if the speakers are '.', you get some sort of directivity control cone going going panels: \./ \./ That way, you'd pretty much do away with the side wall reflection points... And ifyou could go crazy, do the same for top and bottom reflection points... Sensitivity would suffer in room (would sound less loud), but would that result in an improvement of sound or not? I've heard speakers sound rather bad in an anechoic room... Would this sound better or worst?