Hello everybody on this forum who reads this!

If I'm breaking any forum rules by creating this thread or anything like that, I apologize. I'm not very experienced with forum posting. I've been reading for a while (weeks now), but I can't seem to find the answers and I was hoping that someone with experience could help me.

I have the Sierra-1 Nrt speakers sitting in my small apartment living room right now. They do sound exquisite. However.... and this is a really big, nagging, however for me... I have packed them back up and am ready to send them back... with a tear in my eye... ONLY because of their sensitivity. I originally believed that a speaker that could excel in music could EASILY excel with movies. I'm beginning to change my mind about this.

After weeks of researching this stuff, I've finally figured out that there tend to be 2 camps of people in all these speaker boards. The home theater people, and the music people. (I'm oversimplifying here I know, but just play along). Music people tend to say "These speakers are awesome, and they will work for home theater too!" Movie people tend to say "These speakers are awesome, and they will work for music too!"

Music People tend to value: Speakers having lots of frequency range and subtle clarity, imaging, etc.

Movie People tend to value: Lots of volume headroom (dynamic range?), clear dialogue, directivity(?)..

Anyway, as a newbie coming into this sound stuff, this distinction isn't very apparent at first because the 2 camps are both sorta acting like they know what's best for the other side. lol But it's only because everybody can only draw from their own personal tastes and experiences, I know, so it's all good.

As a newb.. I'm asking for advice from ANYBODY here. Even if you're fully into the music camp, or fully into the movie camp, or both. I'd like to just know your thoughts.

I'm wanting to buy 2 speakers that will eventually become my left and right mains for my home theater when I move into a house (unknown when). I want these speakers to not only have good sound quality, but also be able to reach "reference level" of... 105 db I think? But, without "strain" (in whatever sense that may be).

I'm more into home theater than music, so keep that in mind. Would the CMT-340 se's be up to the job? I am OPEN to the idea of keeping the Nrts if they can somehow work. But let me end this now by giving you my own personal PRO and CON style anecdote of the Sierra:

PRO: I was sitting in my little chair listening to some Clapton, and holy freaking ZOMG it sounded like he was standing in my room right between the speakers looking down at me. These speakers are INSANELY CLEAR. I have never experienced this before!

CON: I was watching Star Wars A New Hope, at 3:00 a.m. in my apartment with the volume turned OVER half way up on my receiver and I was in NO WAY afraid that it would wake the people living above me. This made me worry. I was like, how can it be this quiet with the volume of my Denon 3312ci turned over half way up? Cognitive Dissonance out the wazzoo here.

Thanks guys and gals! I really do appreciate any wisdom you can offer this newb. I am willing to learn whatever you are willing to teach! Thanks again.
