I moved into a new place recently, and need some assistance with my setup. the previous tenants ran speaker wire under the floor for their rear surrounds. i want to use the existing cable, but there setup must have been different from mine, because the cables aren't long enough to reach the distance and height I intend to mount my side surrounds.

My question is, is it possible to crimp some more cable onto the end of this one to extend it to where I need it to be? How advisable/inadvisable is this in terms of potential sound quality issues?

Attached is a pic of one of the cable I was left with--it has four strands, which I am not sure what to do with. Do I only use two, or do I crimp these together into pairs, which is what the previous tenant seems to have done? They also had some 16 gauge monster cable I could use (for the rear surrounds if I was doing 7.1), but it was also not long enough.

Of course I could run new cables, but I don't feel like buying a long run of new cable or crawling under the place right now. But if I can't get this to be satisfactory, I may just have to do that.

Here's the room. The speakers will probably be wall mounted around where the shutter is open on the right side (between it and the fire place), and opposite that. This place is super echo-y. I hope once I get a rug and couch in there it will sound better.

This is one of the wires the previous tenants left. Do i crimp two together like the red and white are, and pretend they are like one cable? Or just use two of the cables and ignore the other two. This is what I'd want to crimp some kind of "extension" cable onto.

Thanks for any help. Also, anyone have recommendations for wall-mounting the HTM-200s in clean and unobtrusive manner?