I've been buying a lot of TV seasons lately and have run into a bit of a recurring problem. I really like the thin pack method of storing TV seasons, enough so that I am considering selling my Buffy and Angel seasons off to replace them with the thin pack version and keep hoping that B5 will be repackaged that way so I can do the same. The problem is what to do when one gets a defective case. I have gotten several seasons with one case that wont hold one or both discs in the case solidly. I've got sources for most other common single and double disc replacement cases, but am unsure about where to find replacement cases for these.

I would like to be able to get both the single and double replacement cases in this format since I have damaged cases of both types. Any help would be appreciated, I have found several items at places like sleevecity.com that are listed as thin packs, but the descriptions are lacking and I can't see the pics well enough to risk ordering them without confirmation that these are what I am looking for.

