Well, anyone with a child knows it's difficult to get anything done, especially when they're 2. Fortunately, our son still takes a 1.5-2 hr nap in the middle of the day and I'm able to make camp in the basement amidst the tools and try to get stuff done. I'm about 2/3 of the way finished with the matching stands for my natural Sierras. I still have to roundover the front corners to match the profile of cabinet, install the carpet spike inserts, fill the few nail holes, finish sand, apply tung-oil finish, and assemble. OK, maybe I'm just 1/2 way there. At any rate, I feel like I finally made some progress today and figured I'd share some pics.

Top detail, with 2 1/4" stainless screw...

Detail of base, front laminated core exposed...

Shot of interior of column...and a couple of my toes!

Full shot of stand...

Front shot with speaker...

Angle shot with speaker...

Comparison of finishes...

Hope to have them done by day's end tomorrow. I'll post pics with el completo.
