Hey everybody, just a quick update on my running. Some of you know I do these crazy ultra-marathons (stll a newbie at them though)... well, I'm doing the Mohican 100 Mile Trail Run in mid-June and I decided to do some good with my pain and suffering by making it a fundraiser for our local food bank. What's great about the food bank is they can distribute $17 (retail) of food FOR EACH $ 1 DONATED! So besides being great in that they help hungry families out, it is extremely efficient!

So, while creating my fundraising site, I noticed there was no good way to get the word out - at least I couldn't find any - so I created a new website called


As you will see, it is a horrible looking site that I stayed up until 2 AM this morning getting operational, but it is the CONTENT that matters, right?! You'll see my charity listed first (hey, since I'm the founder / creator of the site!) along with some other great charities (and extreme endurance events) you might care to donate to.

At any rate, thanks for reading this, and if you sign up for my charity, you'll actually get to suffer my pain / discomfort over the next 3 months as I get ready for the Mohican 100! I'll be sending out weekly or bi-weekly emailings to folks that provide their emails so you can see first hand what crazy-a** stuff I'm doing to get ready for this event!
-- Tom --