I am looking for new speakers and have been out listening to just about everything. (B&W, PSB, Revel, BA, Monitor Audio, Vandersteen)
I am NOT trying to start up anything bad with this post. (So please no flames).

Here’s where it all starts, when I went and listened to the Revel Concerta speakers. All the professional reviews used adjectives such as: neutral, natural, non-fatigue can listen for hours, unhyped sound, even sounding with no one part standing out.
I found them bland and lacking in conveying any emotion. Music should move you. The artist who recorded it had a feeling in mind. The other speakers I listened to had reviews that never really used the term “neutral” but they all had a different way to convey emotion, some better than others.

Now here is where my issue is; many of the descriptions on the Revels sound very similar to what I see written about the Ascends. I know, I should just order them and do the 30 day listen and see for myself… But first I need to know:

1. What adjectives would you use to describe the Ascend (SE) sound?

2. Do any of you consider the Ascends neutral, natural sound as lacking in ability to convey the emotion in the music?

3. What would it take for you to trade out your Ascends for something else? (Budget, WAF, have not found anything better, etc…)

I really am interested in upgrading my speakers (They are bright!), but I really need more info before I commit. Thank you guys for any info!