Quote Originally Posted by badassfajita
You are definitely right about the midrange being more muted than the Ascends--the difference is obvious. For vocal intensive music like Norah Jones, the Ascends would be my clear choice. But the stuff I listen to is more high energy, dance, r&b, stuff where the additional bottom end and top end is noticeable. Even with both sets of speakers crossed over at 80hz, the RS6 has more thump than the 340's.

I keep on going back and forth and its driving me nuts!
If I were in your shoes I'd probably base the decision on what % of your usage will be music, because it does sound like the MAs match your tastes more.

On the other hand, some people report that this type of "lively" speaker can become fatiguing after a while.

What's the most hours you've spent listening to just the MAs? I don't know how long SI are letting you keep them, but what you might want to do is spend say at least 3-4 days listening ONLY to the MAs, then switch to the Ascends and see if your ears feel immediate relief or if they immediately miss the MAs. There is a school of thought that such long-period AB listening is more useful than constantly switching back and forth during one sitting.