...there are a few of things holding me back. Perhaps some of you can comment.

First, before I get the mains, I want to be sure the center is going to work for me, and I'm afraid it may not. I realize that the 340 center is designed for placement above the set, but I'd really like to place it on the stand underneath. I might experiment with a shelf or wall mount later, but at least initially, I'd prefer keeping it a bit less conspicuous so it doesn't seem like speakers are taking over the family room.

In addition to that concern, things are further complicated by the fact that the 340 center is technically a hair too big for my stand opening. It's close, but it's 1/8" taller than the space between the center shelf and the metal support bar above it (see photo):

I can place it right behind the bar, but this would place the front of the speaker 3" behind the front lip of the glass shelf above and 3 1/2" behind the front lip of the shelf it's sitting on. Is this making too many compromises?

Second, I had originally thought that the 340s with stands were a pretty solid/stable combo—especially if the stand is weighted with stand. But one recent thread made it sound not-so-secure, and it described the bracket as being flimsier than I would have thought. I have 3 little kids, and this is in an area that they play in, so stability is a concern. They're pretty good (not a fingerprint on the SXRD in almost 6 months), but it needs to be fairly solid in case it's bumped by a baby stroller or a light saber. I had already ruled out most traditional monitors on stands as well as some of the less-stable towers. I've seen M&K's similar design, and that seems satisfactory to me, but it has a metal connection bracket. Is the 340 combo less stable than that?

Lastly, I keep reading about how the 340s can be a bit too revealing for lesser-quality material. Does this mainly apply to music? I plan on using this system for mainly movies and TV, and I'm worried some of this material will be suffer. I imagine the latest movies are of a good quality, but what about earlier titles? What about network TV and sports? Cable channels? Are these unlistenable, or just not particularly engaging?