What are the good ones that are out there?

I recently purchased an XM-walkman off of my brother (mainly just to be nice and to help him out) who was leaving the country and wouldn't be able to use it. I wasn't that excited about it, frankly. But after listening to it for just a few days, I'm blown away by satellite radio and may use this finally as the excuse to getting the new HT audio system (Asend, of course) that I've been wanting.

Yamaha HTR-5860 seems like a good choice. Any others?

I did a lot of research in early summer, and thought Yamaha would be a good fit. A lot of support for HK here, but given that most describe Ascends as neutral/warm, and that I have what I think will be a very 'warm' listening environment (a lot of carpet, upholstered furniture, drapes), getting a receiver a little on the brighter side seems to make sense to me.

Whatever receiver I get will definitely have XM capabilities now, though, that much I am certain of.