Just participated in Erie's "Presque Isle Personal Endurance Classic"... a non-competitive 12 hour endurance event (6:30 AM - 6:30 PM). I managed to last 8.25 hours and 41 miles... might have been able to go a few miles farther, but I was getting pretty pooped, plus I thought I was missing the WVU / Louisville game on TV (our cable operator didn't show it, although I understand ESPN did broadcast elsewhere), so I packed it in. The 'winner' went for 72 miles.

I hope to hit 55 or 60 miles at next year's event now that I have experienced one and I've gotten the bug for it! I started out too fast this year, and will pace myself better next year for the full 12 hours.

Has anyone tried one of these? It was GREAT, much more enjoyable than a regular race or marathon since it is non-competitive and you can walk / take a break whenever you want... especially since it was on a 1 mile loop course... you are never too far away from your car and food, drinks, rest rooms, a change of shoes & socks, etc. I'm not sure I would like to do one of these 50 or 100 mile trail events where you are out in the middle of nowhere, but these 'loop' course events are a blast - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT if you enjoy fitness / exercising / running.