Quote Originally Posted by lmm
The ezset menu doesn't seem to have any correlation to the surround mode or input type, so your comment that you need to run it separately for each type confuses me. can you explain?

is this a 630/635 difference?
I believe there is no difference. To start the ezset for each input, make sure you switch to that input first. For example, (assuming you have 7 channels setup) to ezset DTS, press the NEO:6 (don't even try DTS button because your receiver will never switch to it without the digital DTS bit stream) button on the remote; when your receiver displays DTS NEO:6, start your ezset. Do the same thing for Dolby PIIx and Logic 7 7 channel(music or movie doesn't matter). When you are done with a certain input, all settings will retain for both 5 and 7 channels of this particular input.

I had my volumn up to -15 dB before doing the ezset so make sure you don't accidently turn on a radio or your DVD player with a CD in it!