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Thread: What is the sound difference in the 170/340?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi Curtis,

    Quote Originally Posted by curtis
    BTW, last year, I got a chance to hear a pair of CBM-170's that had the crossover's modified by a well know DIY crossover guy. Although I did not see measurements, the claim was that the speaker had a flat FR just like the original.

    That said, the speaker did not sound like the was very easy to hear the difference. It didn't sound bad, but it was not the CBM-170 that most of us know.
    Hey... I remember those speakers .... BTW, while the modded crossovers were close to being as flat on-axis as a stock CBM-170, the off-axis response using those modded crossovers was very poor actually. This is probably what you heard.

    It is important to keep in mind that when you are listening to a loudspeaker, you are hearing a combination of the direct-sound of the speaker (on-axis response) AND reflected-sound (off-axis response). Off-Axis response is just as important in a quality loudspeaker as On-Axis response, even when you are sitting directly On-Axis.

    Designing the "right" off-axis response is far more difficult than designing a flat on-axis response...
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Raleigh, NC



    You guys take this way too far...(not you Dave, I understand your deep intrest in all this graph stuff)

    I am just some guy looking for a good value in speakers because if I went out and spent 9 grand on speakers, his wife would shoot him.

    So, graphs, "floors", "specs"...I don't get it...

    I am at the very simple stage of these sound better than the Paradigms?

    thanks for the insight to all the techno jargan...interesting.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi Mike,

    Sorry your thread was hijacked... I was just responding to another member's questions...

    As far as do our speakers sound better than Paradgms? Well, this depends on which of our speakers are being compared to which Paradigm. And, more importantly, only YOUR ears can make that decision

    Objectively speaking, based on performance specifications and various measurements, yes.. our speakers compare well to Paradigms higher end lines.

    Have a nice weekend!
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Yeah, sorry about the Hijack Mike, I'm just confused about some stuff and trying to learn from Dave.

    I'll start a new thread.

    As far as the Paradigm Studios go, I liked my 170s just a smidgen better overall, so I kept them. I almost bought five Studio 20s though.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by MikeQ
    Ok, my little comparison can I apply the above to mean that the 170's will rival the Paradigm Mini Monitors and the 340's will rival the Monitor 7?

    I compare them because from a price point they are about the same. (Getting deal on the 7's and no need for stand makes them a dead heat on price)

    Granted I have not heard the Ascend yet but my hope is that one of you can offer a comparison...

    FYI, I have the 170's ordered for an in-home next week and plan on takeing them to the Paradigm shop to do a side by side...
    don't listen to davef, he's crazy! just kiddin dave! i really enjoy dave's explanations. great stuff.

    my first pair of speakers was a pair of v.2 paradigm mini monitors. i finished my v.2 paradigm monitor series with a cc370 and monitor 7s. it was my first major surround sound setup and i felt pretty confident about it because of the customer testimonials. unfortunately, i had three problems with those speakers. i was pretty disappointed with paradigm's quality, but i also purchased them w/o dealer support. kinda' grey market from someone up north ala i also became more critical of the sound quality.

    i think paradigm makes a quality speaker. it requires a purchase of something in their reference series.

    i re-visited avsforum and ran across net direct. i tried axioms and rockets, but they simply weren't for me. i tried a pair of cbm-170s in that time as well. i felt that the ascend monitors had the best sound for me. all of the offerings i had tried since selling the v.2 paradigms easily exceeded my expectations. the ascend sound quality and straightforward, modest business approach speaks wonders about what net direct really has to offer to the consumer.

    i recommend you pay attention to the aspects of sound which matter most to you. i.e. vocals, a bass line, a drum pattern, other specific instruments, etc.
    or, simply listen to your favorite band. i spent a lot of time listening to one of my favorite bands whenever i tried a speaker. a lot of people recommend using disc X as a test when auditioning speakers. i say bring your favorite music because your choice of speaker should involve what you like the best, one of which is already your favorite music.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Raleigh, NC


    I didn't think it was hijacked...all that was about the difference between the two was all just WAY over my head!

    Thanks for everyones posts...

    I think I just have to try them 170's shipped yesterday. (i think) so I guess I will have them by next wife will love me spending all day riding around town to do comparison!

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