( que Corny 70's elevator music)

Following these steps will get you great results from your wife.

1. Make sure you do your homework when your ready to upgrade. Read all the reviews you can so that your mouth waters every time your see the name Ascend.
2. If you dont have the Ascends, start complaining about your current speakers. If they have shrill highs point them out. If they have boxy bloated bass point it out. Make sure she hears what your talking about.
3. Make sure you get a contact from a happy Ascends owner to give you an audition. For this is the most important part.
4. After the audition take your wife to hear some other speakers, like **** then she will really hear the difference.

These steps helped me and they will help you in your quest to obtain these wonderful speakers.
I had an audition at kpt krunchs place. I have to say he has a wonderful home, family, and setup. My wife fell in love with his Tv and his 340's with stands, and the H/K. She wants use to get that Tv{sweet} she wants the 340's with stands, but i told her our listen area is small but we can get the 340's once we get a house. She even asked me if i was going to change my reciever, its a denon, she says it looks old. So that means i have to get the h/k now to make her happy . SO tahnk you Kpt krunch very much