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Thread: My latest Ascend 340 audition

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York

    Default My latest Ascend 340 audition

    One of my closest friends was in town on business last weekend. He's a die in the wool audiophile. Last year, when I broke the news to him that I had purchased 340M's, he gave me some advice that I may have wanted to be patient and find something used in my price range. Good speakers just aren't available new for $600. a pair. I've been to his house twice since I bought the Ascends and very much enjoy listening to his system. These are his speakers.

    I've told him many times that the 340's were directly responsible for my renewed interest in music listening. He was always a good sport about it but we both knew he wasn't buying it when it came to the Ascends.
    I got him to sit down and listen last Sunday. Not much was said but more than once he uttered, "I can't believe these are $600. NEW." The Ascend's may be less than 10% of the price of his speakers, but I made a convert.
    It's great to have people listen to the Ascends who are looking for their first real speakers but for me, it's just a lotta fun having someone who's been neck deep into audio for a couple of decades rave about the sound from my "budget" speakers.
    Just wanted to share the experience.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    That's great David.

    Now just think what DavidF could do with Merlin like money....even before the markup!

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