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Thread: Well, I finally pulled the trigger

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    What is the delivery date that UPS is giving you?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Huntington, Indiana


    May 3, 2005

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Well...I have had UPS miss a scan before, so hopefully that has happenned in this instance.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Huntington, Indiana


    Well, 19 hours and counting on the Chicago UPS depot. This was my last check before heading off to sleep. Maybe they'll go into turbo mode and get their act together and get them to me tomorrow. I will hope that it was just a missed scan. Man this stinks, it's like someone told you on Christmas eve that they decided to move it back today. If I don't get them tomorrow I won't be able to set them up properly until Friday.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    It was just posted on CNN that Time has entered a continuem. The next 24 to 36 hours will take approximately forever. Sorry.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Huntington, Indiana


    After sitting in the Chicago UPS depot for 21.5 hours they finally put my speakers on a rocket sled and shot them across the entire state of Indiana and got them out on a delivery truck to be delivered today. I think they must have been trying to see how late they could send out the truck and still get it to the next stop to go out. I've never seen a package sit in one place for so long with UPS.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    calgary ab


    Quote Originally Posted by dae3dae3
    After sitting in the Chicago UPS depot for 21.5 hours they finally put my speakers on a rocket sled and shot them across the entire state of Indiana and got them out on a delivery truck to be delivered today. I think they must have been trying to see how late they could send out the truck and still get it to the next stop to go out. I've never seen a package sit in one place for so long with UPS.
    i feel your pain. i know when i pull the trigger to get my ascend setup, im going to go through hell, because of customs.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by jojo
    i feel your pain. i know when i pull the trigger to get my ascend setup, im going to go through hell, because of customs.
    Had a run-in with UPS with a shipment from Canada four or five years ago. They forgot to gouge us an additional $50. for a 44lb package which was actually a nine poung package. They harrassed and threatened both the shipper and myself for a few months but we stuck to our guns and told them to f*** off. I try not to use UPS unless absolutely necessary but I'll never under any circumstance use them to ship to or from Canada again. If your a bussiness person with a rep assigned to you, it's not so bad. If you're an individual, they'll try every trick in the book to extort more money. Brown is not my favorite color. They even destroyed one of my original 340's. Had to wait for a new one to be shipped which of course was done immeaditately.


  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    fed ex damaged an acoustic guitar i had and it took just over 6 months to settle. as with any insurance, the only way to win is to stay on them. fedex sent me an extra $200 for the amount of time it took. that was pretty honorable of them so i still use them.

    i was rear-ended at a red light just before that happened. the guy got out of his car and i thought i had found billy ray cyrus' lost cousin from north georgia. he wanted to settle outside of insurance, etc. i asked to see his insurance card and he didn't have any insurance. i said so you want to A) not report the accident and B) you're driving in TN w/o insurance ... can you think of another illegal thing we can do today? i called the police and i gave him the crazy eye when it looked like he was going to take off. he didn't run. thank goodness i have uninsured motorist coverage. the insurance company finally found him with a collection agent and i received a few bucks for all of the trouble. i hope he went to jail, or at least learned a lesson.

    the last package i received from fed ex ground had some funny tracking on it. it arrived in memphis on one day and left for delivery on a route truck ... then 30 min. later it arrived in chattanooga and if i remember correctly it went back to memphis an hour later. then, onto a delivery truck here in chattanooga. memphis is 6 hours from chattanooga.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by jojo
    i feel your pain. i know when i pull the trigger to get my ascend setup, im going to go through hell, because of customs.
    Customs was not an issue for me, jojo. My speakers were delivered to my house the day after they arrived in town, exactly 7 days after they left the factory, so customs processing took no more than a few hours. I knew in advance I would have to pay the infamous UPS brokerage fee (I think it was about $50), plus GST and PST, so be prepared for that. Otherwise the whole shipping and delivery process was problem-free, and everything arrived undamaged.

    Oh, I forgot... no PST for you in Alberta.

    Brown is not my favorite color.
    I agree with you completely, bikeman, but often it's just not worth the time and trouble to arrange alternate shipping when so many vendors are set up to use UPS.

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