It's really too tough for me to say, because I cross over at 80Hz, and I have two 18" Avalanche subs in an IB array, which have a substantial punch. From what I hear though, the new SE versions should be quite good when run at a 60Hz crossover setting. I've tried 50Hz (since my receiver doesn't have 60) and my 340's (not SE) definitely struggle a bit at about that range. However, it's been said many times that they should be run with a sub. Not the SE's though...Dave says (and I'm paraphrasing) "run them all day at full range..." So, to be honest, I am considering upgrading, but I teeter back and forth because I'm limited by my crossover settings anyway, and although I am totally confident that the new SE's can handle the lower stuff, I don't think they'll be quite as good as my sub. Having said that, I suffer from severe upgraditis, and Ascend having a new speaker might be too much for me to pass up.