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Thread: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Default Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question


    I was fortunate enough to acquire a pair of preowned 2EX’s at a very good price point.

    I am currently evaluating a few different configurations with existing equipment that I own.

    I paired them with a Billie Amp V1, but the Billie pairs much better with a set of Philharmonic BMRs that I own.

    My second configuration is with a Parasound Pre 200 preamp and either a Mini GaN5 or Vintage Superphon DM200.
    I also have an SVS2000 subwoofer.

    The Parasound preamp has a bass management, so I can use a high pass filter to the 2EX’s.

    Questions for those who use a subwoofer with the 2EXs are:
    - Do you use a high pass filter for your mains?
    - If so, what frequency do you recommend?

    Quite honestly, I’m not sure that I even “need” the subwoofer, but I already own it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    I'd try an 80 hz x-over to start. I'd probably not go too much lower or higher.
    * LG OLED65E6P, BenqHT2050A
    * Anthem AVM90, Rogue ST100, VTV Pascal 7 ch
    * Sierra Towers/Horizon (all ELX RAAL), S2EXv2 surrounds, HTM200SEx4 heights, Rythmik E15HPx2
    * VPI Classic 1+ (VTA & Fatboy Gimbal), PE Eagle/RR, VAS NOVA, Soundsmith Paua, Manley Chinook, Bob's Devices SUT, SugarCube 1 mini
    * Oppo 203 & 103D, EverSolo DMP-A6
    * miniDSP Flex, Audiosensibility & Blue Jeans cables, Symposium & Isoacoustics, GIK
    * For RDJ: Anthem MRX720, Sierra LX, Luna Duo v2 center, CXNv2, TBD

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    Thanks, I’ll try 80hz first.

    Did you notice any sound quality difference from the main speakers using the crossover?

    My room is far from perfect.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    NW Pennsylvania

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldie1 View Post

    I was fortunate enough to acquire a pair of preowned 2EX’s at a very good price point.

    I am currently evaluating a few different configurations with existing equipment that I own.

    I paired them with a Billie Amp V1, but the Billie pairs much better with a set of Philharmonic BMRs that I own.

    My second configuration is with a Parasound Pre 200 preamp and either a Mini GaN5 or Vintage Superphon DM200.
    I also have an SVS2000 subwoofer.

    The Parasound preamp has a bass management, so I can use a high pass filter to the 2EX’s.

    Questions for those who use a subwoofer with the 2EXs are:
    - Do you use a high pass filter for your mains?
    - If so, what frequency do you recommend?

    Quite honestly, I’m not sure that I even “need” the subwoofer, but I already own it.

    If I was you, I'd prioritize the V2 upgraded crossover for your speakers. That will make a bigger improvement and difference than changing amps.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldie1 View Post
    Thanks, I’ll try 80hz first.

    Did you notice any sound quality difference from the main speakers using the crossover?

    My room is far from perfect.
    Hello Oldie1,

    I have a pair of 2EXv2s and a pair of SVS SB2000 Pro subwoofers. I agree with racrawford that setting your LPF/HPF to 80Hz is a very good place to start; that setting works very well for me in a 2.2 configuration. Before I added the 2nd subwoofer, I used a 60Hz LPF/HPF, which worked well but with two subwoofers all frequencies below 80Hz sound much smoother in more room locations. I think natetg57 is correct that the amplifiers are not likely to make as much difference as the speakers themselves.
    Speakers: EXv2 (mains), Horizon w/RAAL, Sierra-1 (surrounds), SVS SB 2000 Pro (x2)
    Source: MacBook Pro with Audirvana Studio
    DAC: Schiit Gugnir
    Preamp: Parasound Halo P6
    Amp: Buckeye 2-Channel Purifi ET400A
    AVR: NAD T-753v3i
    Cables: Blue Jeans XLR

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    Quote Originally Posted by natetg57 View Post
    If I was you, I'd prioritize the V2 upgraded crossover for your speakers. That will make a bigger improvement and difference than changing amps.
    Thanks. I didn't realize that one was available. I received the speakers after the previous owner upgraded to V2 (I presume). The old components and crossover were given to me by the dealer.

  7. #7
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    NW Pennsylvania

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldie1 View Post
    Thanks. I didn't realize that one was available. I received the speakers after the previous owner upgraded to V2 (I presume). The old components and crossover were given to me by the dealer.
    If the previous owner upgraded to V2, then there should be a 'V2 NFS Optimized' sticker on the back of each speaker. You could also look at the crossover itself and compare it to the upgraded one at this link.

  8. #8
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    Feb 2023

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    Quote Originally Posted by natetg57 View Post
    If the previous owner upgraded to V2, then there should be a 'V2 NFS Optimized' sticker on the back of each speaker. You could also look at the crossover itself and compare it to the upgraded one at this link.
    Thanks Nate. Will check it out when the dust settles after the holidays.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldie1 View Post

    I was fortunate enough to acquire a pair of preowned 2EX’s at a very good price point.

    I am currently evaluating a few different configurations with existing equipment that I own.

    I paired them with a Billie Amp V1, but the Billie pairs much better with a set of Philharmonic BMRs that I own.

    My second configuration is with a Parasound Pre 200 preamp and either a Mini GaN5 or Vintage Superphon DM200.
    I also have an SVS2000 subwoofer.

    The Parasound preamp has a bass management, so I can use a high pass filter to the 2EX’s.

    Questions for those who use a subwoofer with the 2EXs are:
    - Do you use a high pass filter for your mains?
    - If so, what frequency do you recommend?

    Quite honestly, I’m not sure that I even “need” the subwoofer, but I already own it.

    How are you determining that your Billie amp is not pairing well with the Sierra-2EX?
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2023

    Default Re: Sierra 2EX V2 Subwoofer Integration Question

    Hi David,

    Thanks for responding.

    I should have explained:

    The Sierras sound "good" with the Billie, but not as the Billie paired with my BMR monitors. The Billie sounds a bit "lean" with the Sierras compared to the BMRs.

    On the other hand, with my Parasound preamp + Superphon amp combo, the BMRs have too much bass while the Sierras sound really nice.

    I am attempting to add just a little to the bottom end to the Sierras. (Admittedly, not really a need. It's just that I already have the subwoofer and bass management features and an experimenting before I sell anything off). If I didn't already own the subwoofer, I don't think I'd be looking for one.

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