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Thread: DVD player suggestions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default DVD player suggestions?

    So, now that I have a new TV, I am looking to upgrading my DVD-Video capablities.

    I currently have the Pioneer 563a universal player. I have been happy with it. For CDs, I use the DACs in my pre/pro, DVD-Audio and SACD's sound fine as well.

    But the video side of the 563a is pretty lacking. So I would like to approve upon that.

    I can get a new, more expensive universal such as the Denon 2900 or 2910, those are in the price range I would like to stick to. Or I can get an inexpensive unit for DVD-Video only, such as the Bravo or Oppo units.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    overland park, ks


    personally, i'm leaning towards the denon dvd-2200, as it's almost as good as the 2900 but a bit cheaper. i've seen refurbs on ecost for under $300
    powdered toast man away!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003



    Have you looked at the DVD player benchmarks?

    The Denons, Panasonic S97 and Pioneer Elite 59 get good marks for video.

    I have the same player as you and I'm thinking of getting a Denon 2910 when I get an HDTV.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    The Toshiba SD-V592 DVD-VHS combo kicked video butt in the Secrets review. I haven't heard of a comparable DVD stand alone unit from Toshiba.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Augusta Maine


    Wait until the end of the year and HD DVD. Even the Playstation 3 will be capable of HD DVD with Blue-Ray. Of course, that means Xbox will be upgraded as well.

    Within a year, they'll be everywhere................

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I have to disagree with picasso. It will be a while before HD DVD or BluRay players are commonplace and inexpensive although the PS3 will drive mass market penetration. The PS3 is at least one year away (early to mid 2006 by most reports) and it is very unclear which format will be dominant. Personally, I expect it to be 2-3 years before there is a clear format winner and I would rather spend money now on a good DVD player than spend money in 18 months on what could be the next BetaMAX. (Probably an unfair statement as I'm sure there will eventually be universal players.)

    I'll spare everyone my long thoughts on the topic, but there is little market driver for the HD optical formats outside of the HT enthusiast realm, so expect it to play out a lot like SACD/DVD-A - going nowhere fast because 95% of consumers could care less (a bit unfair as HD definitely has more consumer interest than multichannel ausio).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Birmingham, Alabama


    I agree with BradJudy. It'll take a while for the format war to shake out, and even longer for the bugs in the new players to be ironed out. DVD is around 10 years old and we're just now seeing players that have the major glitches (macroblocking, etc.) ironed out. Right now, I have a Zenith DVB-318 for DVD playback and an el cheapo Pioneer DV-578A for DVD-A and SACD. I was going to wait and then jump on HD, but have since changed my mind and decided to sell my current units and put a little extra cash with them and buy a Pio Elite DV-59AVi. That gets my vote, Curtis.
    - EVH III

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I have actually had discussions with other friends about HD-DVD and BluRay, as well as 1080p and beyond. I think all of these are at least a couple of years away from being mainstream, so I am not worried about it. As for the PS3, I have a friend that works at Sony(making games for the PS), so I am hoping to get one of those cheap(probably not cheap...but cheaper).

    Anyways, right now, I am addicted to HD and my new TV. Watching and listening to the Grammys last night was GREAT. It has come down to where I do not want to watch SD programming anymore and only seek out HD shows. I think that has a lot to do with the fact that Adelphia's SD service in my area is pretty bad.

    Anyways, after reading everything, it has come down to a Denon 2900 or 2910. The Pioneed 59AVi still has some weight too...especially since I have never had a problem with burned DVDs on my current cheapy 563a, but its price may be out of the ballpark.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Well....after some more research, I just ordered a refurbed Denon 2900 from eCost.

    Anybody want to buy a used Pioneer 563a?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003



    Did they actually have 2900s in stock? It seems like it is always listed, but rarely in stock.

    I don't like how Denon did their new part numbers since the 3910 is effectively the replacement for the 2900. I have seen it said that the 480p output of the 2900 is as good as the upscaled output of the 2910, but I imagine that depends a lot on the quality of the scaler in the TV compared to the scaler in the 2910. I have definitely considered the route you picked, but I'm not sure.

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